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Field/Feld, 2016, acrylic paint, Concourse Gallery, Vancouver (Foto Credit “Field”: Nurzhan Kabdrakhman)

Excerpt from the exhibition statement of Loving Is Easy, That’s Why So Many People Do:

I’m highly influenced by my surroundings. Therefore, as an experiment I accept the outside world as my internal world. All outside voices are inside voices, with no exception. My mediums are acceptance and distance. How can we establish active agency in our interactions with others and pursue what we need and what we want to see as an everyday practice? What are the social, psychological and systemic restrictions in establishing this agency? I’m not interested in trying to phrase why I want to see this, because I think it might lie outside of my capability and could be a futile, fruitless task. I’m more interested in observing how I react, consciously or unconsciously, to something that I want or don’t want. I wonder about myself and the audience: What do you want to see? What do you need to see?”